During Disability Pride Month, meet Jase!

July 21, 2022
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During Disability Pride Month, meet Jase!

  Meet Jase, a newly graduated 18-year-old. Through conversation with him, his friendliness and openness in discussing his interests, like animals and hockey, made it easy to get to know him.    “Don’t be afraid of me, I have big emotions but I also have a big heart and am really fun when you get to know me,” Jase said when asked what he’d like people to know about having a disability. When asked about the best traits Jase exemplifies, Sam, his mother, said he was sweet and funny. In fact, Jase has become a friendly face at the Saddledome, where he works as an attendant. His core responsibilities include wiping tables and filling up condiments.     Jase worked with Vecova’s Youth Program from October 2021 until May 2021. Throughout that time, Mandee Urlacher, Employment Coach, noticed a great improvement in his motivation. She says:  
  We noticed a strong improvement in his motivation to work and learn how to persevere when he didn’t feel like working. When we started working with Jase, something we focused a lot on finding (was) what motivated him to do work-based tasks. We found that inclusion, praise, and lots of positive encouragement helped Jase feel good about working,  thus, able to stay focused and on task.” (Urlacher, July 2022) 
  With Jase just graduating from high school, he’s looking forward to spending the summer visiting family in Saskatchewan, attending the Calgary Stampede, and going to parties.     Vecova is proud to continuously support Jase and others like him as they advance their skills and careers. Click here to learn more about Vecova’s programs and services for Albertans with disabilities, including our Youth Program. [/vc_column_text][nd_options_spacer nd_options_height="20"][vc_column_text]

Vecova is committed to creating inclusive, accessible and high-quality programs and services for persons with disabilities. We are prioritizing inclusion and building a future for people of all abilities where everyone is valued, belongs and thrives.


Your gift during Disability Pride Month can help us accomplish #InclusionForEveryone. A gift to Vecova of $35, $50, $100, or whatever you can manage, allows us to keep working towards #InclusionForEveryone.

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Join us in creating a future that fosters inclusion and cultivates growth.

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